bringing you tomorrow's technology today
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Applied Automation & Sound provides the latest technology to the homeowner looking to incorporate smart home systems. Business owners can get state-of-the-art security systems and building automation as well.

We are registered dealers for the brands featured on this page.  NuVision LCD televisions are American made and represent the finest quality available. LG is the largest maker of flat panel TVs in the world, making them the industry leader. Monitor Audio and RBH create sonic excellence with great loudspeaker design and performance. Marantz has been and continues to be a leader in home entertainment. AMX systems provide whole house automation, while Escient is tops in music server technology.

Home theater enthusiasts can rely on Applied Automation & Sound for custom installations of quality products done in a professional manner.

Music aficionados can expect distributed systems that bring individual control to shared collections throughout the house or office in the highest fidelity possible. Speakers can be hidden in walls, ceilings, or left in plain view when aesthetically preferable. Your dreams are our goals.

Please call for an appointment: 505.823.6725

Or Email: Applied Automation & Sound

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